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Admissions Videos

University preparedness presentation by Ms. Bernabei.

St. Bede Seniors address the fears that incoming freshmen have about their first year in high school.
St. Bede Academy Seniors offer suggestions for what incoming freshmen should "plan" to do when they come to the Academy.

We encourage and welcome you to our campus for an individual visit. You’ll gain a better sense of the exceptional experience Saint Bede Academy offers, and you’ll be able to meet the students and faculty. We’d also be happy to schedule an admission interview.

Schedule an In-Person Visit

Visits include a campus tour, classroom visit (if classes are in session), and an opportunity to meet or interview with an admission counselor. Expect to be on campus for approximately one hour. Individual visits are offered Monday through Friday throughout the year.

Schedule an online interview

We understand that some families may not be able to visit campus. We’re happy to arrange phone or online interviews with applicants for whom a visit is not possible.