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June 22, 2023

Dear Saint Bede Families:

I hope this letter finds each of you doing well and enjoying summer vacation.

We have a few new additions to our faculty for the start of the 2023-24 school year:
● Mrs. Megan (Considine) Theisinger ‘09 has been hired as our school’s social worker. We are excited to have her join our team and help us meet the social/emotional needs of our students.
● Mr. Bill Olsen will be a new addition to our Science department this year. He will be teaching AP Chem, Honors Chemistry, and Physics.
● Mr. David Garcia will be joining our Spanish department and will teach Spanish I and Spanish III.

Registration will be from 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM on July 25 and 26th. If you are unable to make it to registration, please contact Abby Nambo and we will arrange a different time for you to come in. The following forms need to be completed and brought with you to registration:




New students enrolling in an Illinois School for the first time will be required to obtain a physical examination, vision exam, dental exam, and provide up-to-date immunization records regardless of grades. 


If your student needs to take medication during school, a new medication authorization form is needed each school year. No medications will be given to students without proper authorization from a health care provider, this includes over-the-counter medications and cough drops. If your student uses an inhaler for Asthma or an Epi-Pen for allergies please contact the school’s main office. 

Another change for the 2023-2024 school year is a new picture company. Jen Heredia Studio out of Spring Valley, IL will be doing photos for Saint Bede. School pictures will be on August 16, 2022 for ALL STUDENTS. Seniors, must wear the following, adhering to the Dress-Up Day dress code:

● Gentleman: dress slacks, collared shirt, and tie
● Ladies: dress, skirt, dress or dress slacks with a MODEST top with sleeves.

As you know, Saint Bede is a private, Catholic School and attending the Academy is done on a voluntary basis by students, supported by their parents. Saint Bede has standards and rules for religious formation, academic achievement, extracurricular participation, and appropriate behavior. Let us always remember that our EXAMPLE, whether positive or negative, is contagious. From the day students enter Saint Bede until they graduate, they are expected to follow

Academy rules. The rules are contained in the Saint Bede Academy Parent/Student Handbook. A copy for your household will be provided at registration (if printed in time) or mailed to your home. Your student will receive their handbook and planner on the first day of school.

Important Dates:

● Chaplain’s Day - 9:00 AM to 3 PM - August 7, 2023
● Freshman Parent Meeting and Cookout - 6:00 PM - August 7, 2023
● First Day of School - August 15, 2023
● School and Fall Sports Pictures - August 16, 2023
● Green and White Night and Back-to-School Dance - August 18, 2023

I look forward to working together to strengthen your students spiritually, academically, and emotionally as we continue our mission of offering a strong, secondary Catholic education in the Benedictine tradition.

May the Rule of St. Benedict be our guide…

…May the Spirit of St. Bede stay with us forever!


Nicholas J. McLaughlin
