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Opponents and Directions

Opponents & Directions

Bureau Valley High School • 9154 County Road 2125N. Manlius, IL 61338

Erie High School • 435 6th Ave, Erie, IL

Fulton High School • 1207 12th Street Fulton, IL

Hall High School • 800 West Erie Street Spring Valley, IL 61362

LaSalle Peru High School • 541 Chartres Street LaSalle, IL 61301

Kewanee High School • 1101 East 3rd Street Kewanee, IL 61443

Marquette Academy • 1000 Paul Street Ottawa, IL 61350

Mendota High School • 2300 West Main Street Mendota, IL 61342

Morris High School • 1000 Union Street Morris, IL 60450

Morrison High School • 643 Genesee Avenue Morrison, IL 61270

Newman Central Catholic High School • 1608 4th Avenue Sterling, IL 61081-1300

Princeton High School • 103 South Euclid Avenue Princeton, IL 61356

Prophetstown High School • 310 Riverside Drive Prophetstown, IL 61277-1056

Rockridge High School • 14110 134th Avenue West Taylor Ridge, IL 61284

Sherrard High School • 4701 176th Avenue Sherrard, IL 61281

Our Opponents

